Captain’s Log: 008 / 2020 IS A BUST


I just realized there hasn’t been a new post on here for a while, and when I come to check when the last CAPTAINS LOG I typed out was at the beginning of 2020, and my oh my, how much optimism I had for this year.

By now, we all know this year is a bust. Dont get me wrong, its perfect for me, I work from home anyway, but still, everything cancelled and shutdown, it really blows.

Ive pretty much wrapped up this whole year as a bust.

But again, I suppose its nice to have this time to hunker down and get shit done on my super long checklist.

Ive been slowly and steadily upgrading my studio, once the next few items come in ill be done with the upgrades for this year so I will make a 2021 Studio Walkthrough video even though the year isn’t over.

I haven’t been able to crank out many EVAN REVIEWS EVERYTHING cuz as we have stated everything is closed down! It really sucks, I want some food!! I will be updating the EVAN REVIEWS EVERYTHING homepage very soon here…

More content is constantly coming to the YouTube channel, make sure you are following me there!

Ive updated a few pages around here, my twitch portfolio for one, go check it out!

In the meantime, im working on all my content, and my sites, including this one, getting ready to revamp ARTIST CONNECT, cant wait!

Stay Tuned,

Evan Beale


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