Captain’s Log: 006 – Restructuring for 2020

Trying to get back on schedule, I’ve been working on so many different things that my time management sort of went out the window. I’ve been restructuring the framework of all my brands yet again, and sort of rethinking what all my brands mean and stand for… in the beginning I sort of published everything together. Then I was afraid of diluting one brands image with another. So I split everything up, created separate pages, websites, and social medias for all these brands.

It was nice keeping everything organized but posting and trying to maintain so many different channels, and grow them, much harder than if you were to just focus on one. I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that I don’t need to split my content into niches and keep them separated. I am the niche. If people have a problem with any content I create, thats their problem. I create content on a wide array of different subjects, that’s what I love to do. Im not going to worry anymore about whether or not one category of my content will turn people away from another category of my content.

To further clarify just to paint the picture, I create content about marketing and helpful tutorials, and other things that may not mesh well with other areas of my content, like Dopely Diverse, my umbrella company in which I publish all my creative outlets under. There lies another example, if your a frequent user of this site, you for sure know I create content around marketing, but you may have never heard of Dopely Diverse. That wasn’t by accident. I tried keeping any brand one could see as “counter-culture” far away from my brands that reside in a more corporate and professional setting.

But to me you can be professional, and real, and the real ones see that, and thats the only people I want to work with anyway, you know what I mean?

So what does this mean?

As far as social media goes, for youtube, I will be moving the Evan Review’s Everything, Digital Clinic, and Escaping Finlandia Youtube Channels and all the respected content over to the Dopely Diverse youtube page and that is where all future content will be posted.

As for Instagram, Content for the brands listed above will now be posted on Dopely Diverse’s Instagram page.

As for Facebook Pages, All brands will keep their individual pages with Dopely Diverse facebook page reposting most of the content from individual pages.

As for the site, much more content will be posted to this site, which is what Ive always wanted, more of everything I do, no censoring, thats why I bought the url: cuz thats what this site it. Its not just escaping Finlandia anymore, which originally started as a travel blog and grew into all of this. I just love to document everything I do and I know I would regret having to look back at this period and not doing exactly what I wanted for some fear of dumb shit I shouldn’t be worried about in the first place.

This sites gonna go from 100% real to 500% real. Just wait. 2020 Gonna be an amazing year!


ps. Thanks for the subscribers and reoccurring users, I see you, thanks for supporting the site

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