2020 is upon us, and I couldn’t be more excited. I have so much planned for this upcoming year and I’m grateful to share it with those who are interested! I have been doing a lot over at youtube, consolidating all of my channels into one and posting new content, I hope you all are already following, but if not, click here.
I have many new series planned for the channel so your really wanna be subscribed, theres a lot going on over there.
I have a few more resources planned for Digital Clinic that I will be dropping a few months into 2020.
I have some upgrades to the studio arriving today, 2020 is already looking good lol. For now im still grinding and planning and executing all at once, getting the rest when I can lol. I hope you guys like the content!
New to the Site
>New Blog – https://escapingfinlandia.wpcomstaging.com/2020/01/03/is-gordon-ramsay-a-bad-dad/
>New Youtube Channel Content – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFuyOlc-iqYgTnpWy5n9QZA
>New Media on site – https://escapingfinlandia.wpcomstaging.com/videos/
>ERE Update – https://www.facebook.com/EvanReviewsEverything/
As Always, Stay Tuned for more…
-Evan 2020