Civil War Coming is Trending on Twitter. Which brings up a moment to talk about something I have been feeling ever since the great divide has begun. The possibilities of a civil war between the two political parties.
Is a Civil War Coming?
A few years ago I would have called you crazy if you asked me that. Now, it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility for their to be another civil war, whether its weeks, months, years, I think its just a matter of time if we continue on this path of divisiveness. I mean eventually we’re going to get so divided we wont be able to consider ourselves “the united states” but have to be called “the divided states”.
Everyone now a days is so politically polarized, so many people playing to that tribe mentality of party politics. It seems George Washington was right when he said political parties would be the downfall of this nation. It seems everyone is at each others throats. If you’re like me and don’t live in an echo chamber, you probably see a great deal of comments from both sides. Its all very ironic, they all say the same thing about each other. They all attack the other side for shit their side is doing. I get for the most part, that in your daily activities within the real world, the people you interreact with are civil great people. You never know their political affiliation and you go on about your day, but the point is, if you did know that could drastically change your behavior towards them, unless perhaps you know them personally, which is interesting. More than likely because you know they are well intentioned regardless of their political beliefs, we must realize this is the case for the majority of people we are “debating”.
I remember when politics use to be fun for me, but now you cant even have a civil debate without being called a racist misogynist fascist bigot after listing a simple statistic or exploring a “sensitive topic”. We’re in dangerous times it seems to me.
The way I see things, is this; the far right and the far left are the loudest and make for the best news for the other side, this is all we see and hear, but the majority of people reside in the middle of the spectrum and are somewhat more moderate, where as they may not necessarily believe everything attributed to their party.
I think its important we not underestimate the lengths some of the radicals are willing to go. We’ve seen people get violent, people get hurt, and we’ve seen people die as a result of that. So although the radical sects of each party may be the minority population, they still make for quite a lot of people and that number seems to be growing thanks to a number of factors, including indoctrination.
I have seen an overwhelming amount of talk about civil war from both sides in these past few months, and now it starts trending on twitter. I’ve seen a lot of hate speech based off political identity. I’ve seen straight up threats posted online for the world to see. People have allowed social media to really expose them, its not a good look. Threats of violence all based off ideology and political beliefs, its insane that its gotten to this point, it wasn’t always like this.
Maybe Social Media is to blame, now everything is always in our face 24/7 and has us all at each others throats with just a click away, we get to hide behind a screen so we can say shit we probably wouldn’t normally say to someone’s face if we were in person trying to have a civil understanding debate, its a great tool for sure, but no doubt comes with many downfalls.
What Does A Modern Civil War Look Like in the U.S?
So what does this look like? Are we saying red states vs blue states? What about the existing Government and armed forces? are people going to start hunting down the opposite party and gunning them down? or are we going to subdue them and lock them up? What’s the endgame here? I’ve seen radicals suggest this stuff, its pretty scary. Of course these people would get shut down, but they could do quite a bit of damage before that.
I’m not sure how these radicals exactly envision their “Civil War”, but lets try to paint a hypothetical. Lets say, it is red vs blue. Lets say, the government and military split up pretty evenly, you have leaders and soldiers and armed civilians on both sides openly fighting each other i guess lol. Is that what these people picture? Or do they see themselves as a revolution that’s gonna overthrow the entirety of the gov and army with what ever they got in their closet? I have no idea.
In reality, most Americans are too privileged and too soft, and by that, i mean, we don’t know what its like for bombs to be going off on a daily basis where we live. I think the majority of people would not be down for a civil war ravaging our lands lol. It would be the radical sects of each party fucking shit up, like they are now, and the rest of us being like, “can you guys not?”.
As always I think we all just need to calm down and be more civil, find ways to find more middle ground so we can actually progress and get shit done, but unfortunately I see no signs of that happening, hence why i feel like a civil war in some form is going to happen eventually, something big at least, it just doesn’t seem sustainable what we are doing now.
Alternatives to Civil War
Now in my opinion there’s a few ways we could divert from a civil war if it were ever to be a immediate problem.
- First and foremost, if we all just smoked a bit of weed and calmed down that would go a long way in solving a lot of problems… maybe throw in a tab of acid or two, but hey I’m just spit-balling here… since that’s the least likely, which is most unfortunate as its the best option, we shall continue..
- If we are attacked/invaded by a foreign enemy which could unite us like 9/11. Although, I don’t think we would unite as closely as we did then, I think political parties would wanna leave the other to fend for themselves.
- Which brings me to the next idea. The reason I think a civil war is possible is because we seem to only get more and more divided, to the point it doesn’t seem like we are one country anymore. Instead of of fighting wat if we just got a North and South Korea thing going, split the country up between red and blue and see who prospers while staring angerly at each others borders?
This all doesn’t seem ideal, but like I said, the path we are on is not sustainable, something needs to give. I think in the grand scheme of things, the world will keep spinning and we’ll still be here as long as everyone keeps their cool, but its hard to foresee what the radicals will do.
Final Thought
I think its comforting to remember that the majority of people within each party do not belong to the radical sect that wants the destruction of the opposite party and everyone that belongs to it. These are the people that think all democrats are evil, or all republicans are evil, and their trying to destroy our country and all this crazy stuff they say. That stuff just gets the most play online. Like I said above, go out in the real world and realize half of the decent people you interacted with belonged to the other side. Realize there is a way back to a more civilized political landscape, one in which, we could see real discussion bringing real progress.
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