Click bait, fake thumbnails, fake videos, fake opinions, and trolling, all in the name of attention and likes.
I have been seeing an overwhelming trend of people faking content for views and likes. So much so I felt that I needed to write this post. I think it goes into the mental health and acceptance aspect of social media, people wanting attention and likes so bad, there willing to make a fake video.
LIKE WHY??? If you have the energy to go out and do that, you have the energy to capture/create high quality AUTHENTIC Content that will resonate with your audience so much more than all the hate and trolling you will receive on your fake content.
Lets break this down:
Click Bait
We all see this on a daily basis, Video Titles on Youtube and Facebook, Or article titles saying some OUTLANDISH or controversial shit, maybe something we know not to be true but still need to click it just in case, or maybe the old “man tries to hug a lion… you won’t believe what happens next”, you know something of that nature, now I don’t have a problem with this, but theres a difference between a factual descriptive attention grabbing title and a totally fabricated click bait title. Any way, like I said not as big of a deal as fake thumbnails, and definitely not as big of a deal as fake videos.
Fake Thumbnails
This is a huge pet peeve of mine, and when combined with a shitty click bait title I get even more pissed, like you will see a title that says “top 10 crazy animals you didn’t know existed” and the thumbnail will be some crazy ass photoshopped animal, and if your actually watch the video that picture isn’t even in the video.
Or you see the “10 things you missed” and something in the background is circled with an arrow pointing to it, I notice this on a lot of videos but I watch a lot of marvel videos so look at this one below, they straight up circle a wakandian soldier and did a zoom in crop effect and put kill monger in it with a title of “top 10 Easter eggs you missed in infinity war” like wtf LMAO, and then when you watch this clip they won’t even discuss the shit displayed in the thumbnail. To me this is a bad practice, you can have nice looking thumbnails without doing that shit. But still, all the things I’ve talked about so far have nothing compared to the next subject.

Fake Videos
I can not believe some of the fake content I am coming across, people are faking some rediciously stupid videos. Again, there doing this for likes, for attention. Its crazy.
Example 1: In this video this kid claims to be quitting marijuana and goes to throw it away in a dumpster, the only thing is in the video you can see the box in which he’s dumping it safely into within the dumpster.
Example 2: This made me even more mad then the 1st example, just because like, at least for the 1st example its something I could believe happening, this video is so staged, this kid goes on an adventure to search a river, in that river he just so happens to find like 5 iPhones, 3 cameras, bags with money in it, and all sorts of other shit thats in 1 foot of clear water, and none of the items were buried, so like, smh. I just don’t get why people do this shit, lol.
I’m aware these videos can not be embedded, click the “Watch on Facebook” to view them.
In conclusion: Don’t Fake Content Kids! It’s not a good look.