Is there a max limit to how many times you should post on Instagram in a day? | Digital Clinic

Lots of people will say yes, and up until recently I would have been one of those people. I would have told you not to post more than 3 times, unless what your posting is very high quality content. The reason for me and many others saying this is because you don’t want to clutter your followers feed with a shit ton of content that they may not see as “high quality”.

But with the current landscape of Instagram, I would say there’s no limit, as long as you’re smart about it. Let me explain those two things.

1. So, I am now saying, I believe there’s no limit because of the current climate or landscape of Instagram. What I mean by that is Instagram is very slowly(and not totally) becoming facebook, in regards to pay to play. Instagram use to be the King of Organic Reach(a title now held by Pinterest) and its still a great place for Organic Reach, but they have been killing it off more and more as time goes on, of course because they want you to pay for ads. So what does this have to do with the limit of posting you should do? Well with organic reach falling, that means when you post something and you have a large following, only a smaller and smaller percentage of your followers may see your post in their feed. With this being the case, I believe one can now worry less about cluttering your followers feed not only that but I feel as if one should see the need to post MORE content.

2. BUT, you still need to be smart about it, and when I say this I pretty much mean, post quality content! And use hashtags wisely, as in, do not use the same ones over and over, create different types of content where you can branch out and use different hashtags maximizing your reach.

So my opinion, backed by what I see and live(I’ve been experimenting with the algorithm quite a bit lately), you shouldn’t have to worry about posting too much these days, in fact you should be posting as much as you can(as long as its genuine high quality content) to maximize potential reach.

But honestly now that I reflect back, this has always been the case, there has never been a limit as long as you post genuine high quality content, theres no cluttering your followers feed, they come to the feed for the content, they want to consume it! (Again as long as its good) if I’m following a tech page that makes cool videos on tech, I’m not going to care if they post 20 videos a day, if there good, i’ll watch!

So there’s your answer. Fuck Limits, break the rules. Produce awesome content and no one will care how many times you post a day.

p.s theres an underlying theme in all marketing questions… and that is, all this other stuff we talk about doesn’t really matter(well it does) BUT IT ALL STARTS AND COMES BACK TO THE CONTENT. If you have great content you can break all the rules! Create great content and things will fall into place, I promise.

Another P.s Some of the greatest content producing sites have horrible SEO(you know that thing in marketing that IS SO IMPORTANT), but still gain traffic. Why? Because the content wills it.

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