Life as of Late | Busy, Busy, Busy.


I have been busy! I am working on multiple projects at the moment, very excited about all of them, even more excited about being done with them and moving on to the next set.

I am working on some new pages for the site, I am launching my review page here within a few days, as well as updating my about page and my services page. I have been so busy working on other things, I haven’t been able to update this site as much, but I’ve been slowly working on all aspects and am super excited on the results I’m coming up with. Even more excited to share with everyone.

I have a new project that has top priority, titled “Project: Night Owl” super stoked on this opportunity, gonna keep this one under wraps until its complete which could take a few months, no worries I am documenting all the behind the scenes, should make for some awesome content.

I am working on putting together my EDC post, and editing together all of my footage, should make for a nice read.

I have a few Instagram accounts available for sale through my side hustle, CyberWorkz. Also, I am moving CyberWorkz into the Influencer game, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, I know so many people that can be influencers that don’t know anything about it. I have been wanting to take some people with the potential and guide them to influencer status. If you are interested you should DM me, I am working on a dedicated page for CyberWorkz that will be hosted on this page.

I am working on a lot of Graphic and Web Design projects for various clients, this has been taking most of my time, but no worries, everything is moving along.

Cant wait to finish up my current projects, its time, lol.

And Once Again, my ebooks are coming, there gonna be good, I want them to be truly unique and real, so I’m in no hurry!

-Evan *stay tuned

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