My Thoughts On Dr. Jordan Peterson

I wrote this specifically about Jordan and things Ive noticed. But it underlines a bigger issue that remains unchecked, in which the radical left deems anyone who thinks other than them, a racist, homophobe, sexist, you name it.

For the past 5 years this has been there go to tactic to discredit and deplatform those who think otherwise than them. For the past 5 years I’ve warned people about this sort of thing, how dangerous a precedent it sets. Sure enough we only see it get worse, just as I said it would.

Its ironic, the only reason I know about Peterson is because of the people who hate him. Back when Charlie Hunnam said he likes Jordan Peterson, everyone had a hissy fit, its what made me look into Jordan. I write about the Charlie hunnam connection in the article but I forgot to point out the underlying issue of that whole scenario(like I need to point this shit out). Buts it like, you cant even mention a slither of support for someone like Peterson (or trump) without being labeled the worst of the worst. Its all part of a much larger issue.

I would implore people to watch this video of Jon Stewart and really listen to what hes saying.

This video is something I live on a daily basis.

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.

It probably took longer than it should have for Jordan Peterson to pop up on my radar, I’ve only come to know about him in the past few years.

The first time I heard his name, was a few years back in a interview with Charlie Hunnam, and he said something along the lines of, “I think the work that Dr. Jordan Peterson is doing is incredibly important” or something like that. I remember reading comments and people were losing their shit that their beloved Charlie Hunnam supported a racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc you get the point. As a fan of Charlie Hunnam, I couldn’t believe this, I had to find out more about this racist piece of shit that one of my favorite actors supports.

Well, no surprise, when I found out this is yet another case of baseless attacks from the radical left. I found this man to be incredibly intelligent, caring, patient, understanding, and just all around actually cares and gives a dam about what he believes in.

I figured out pretty quickly after watching a few videos what Jordan was about and what he stood for, he couldn’t be anything further from what these people were labeling him as(we see this far too often now, its a problem). So over the years I would listen and watch his videos and debates and as time went on I found it harder and harder to believe that there are actually people that disagree and want to argue about what this man says. I began to see a pattern, especially in his debates, which I talk about below, but I began to see patterns and similarities everywhere, the similarities between this man and trump, the similarities in the way the radical left treat anyone who thinks outside their bubble, the similarities in radical and ridiculous thought process of all radical leftest, just so much, it seems now a days everything can be connected to one another in some way shape or form.

I find Jordan Peterson, and the situation he finds himself in, time and time again, fascinating.

He embodies intelligence in the rarest form, common sense. Of course he is a doctor, professor, scholar, psychologist, blah blah blah, summed up, he has a crazy amount of book smart, insanely intelligent. But that doesn’t matter as much to me, as there are plenty of people with a whole lot of book smarts, but they’re sill dumb as hell, lacking common sense. I see common sense as the most important type of intelligence, especially in this day of age where there seems so little of it around.

I watch his debates, and they’re not really debates, its just a time period of someone throwing false accusations at Jordan and he has to spend his time correcting them on something he said. No real discussion ever happens, and if so, it’s rare.

I find it incredibly frustrating, to watch this man, try only to help people while spreading some common sense, and be met with such aggressive response and false accusations.

You can see his frustration as well, but he handles it so much better than any of us would, hes always patient, calm, never interrupts, never uses personal attacks, he thinks about what hes going to say. (Even if you don’t like the man, you have to admire these traits in a time such as this)

Its just quite refreshing to see someone like him get as much attention as he gets when people all around him are being deplatformed and silenced, I wouldn’t be surprised if they come for him soon.

I think what I and millions others find fascinating about him, is; his thoughts and viewpoints as well as the situation he finds himself in echos so very well what everyday people like you and me who disagree with the radical left have to go thru, on a daily basis. We get absurd and false accusations thrown at us, taking conversations away from issues and to the defense of ones character, which in more cases than not, had no merit to be in question in the first place. So Jordan is yet another in a long line of examples of how the radical left can damage someones reputation with no merit, it’s dangerous and has gone unchecked and continues to go unchecked, its only going to get worse, something Jordan himself speaks of.

He just showcases frustration when discussing topics with people that hold radical left views so well, you watch him in awe that he hasn’t lost his shit yet. Thats what I admire most about him, hes calm and collect, where as I would be screaming profanities and just not have the time or energy to try and teach someone common sense.

Its just something I wanted to comment on, after watching him, trump, and many others for the past 4 years be called everything in the book with no merit, I feel bad for Jordan Peterson, that he has to deal with what he has to, it probably weighs on him. When you see him in an interview where his views are not being attacked, take his interview with comedian Theo Von for example, he is a totally different person, a normal person, that likes to laugh and share stories, just like you and me, I wish he could have more of that in his life and less of this stress but I admire him for doing this work, as I feel its incredibly important and there should be more people like Jordan. Another similarity with this man and trump about interviews, go watch the Barstool Sports interview with Trump, he’s a totally different person when not being attacked for his views 24/7.

I’m trying to learn as much as I can from this man. He is a person of character I cant even begin to describe. I’m trying to be better about being more civil, understanding, empathetic, more caring, not that I believe I lack any of these things, but we can and must always strive for being better.

Here’s some of Jordan’s Videos:

Look you don’t have to agree with everything or anything for that matter, but dont simply label people these horrible things because they think differently then you do. Thats a horrible way to go about this. It also takes weight away from those words, now when I hear someone is racist, i roll my eyes, its like the boy who cried wolf. Its getting old, and shows a lack of intelligence in my opinion.


  • Jesus Christ, John Stewart nails how Trump was a porn and put in a rock in a hard place. They painted this Biden out to be the saviour.

    He falls up the stairs. He talks like he is hip… but needs a hip replacement. I am confused about how they do not want to grow up.

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