CL:021 – Half way thru 2023 Already?!
I am 2 months late for the 2Q/half year mark. Time moves pretty fast when your having a blast. I…State of the Empire: Address 2023 – The Dark Winter of Finlandia
My Empire has been attacked by a mortal enemy, the United States Government. They have finally decided to make their…CAPTAINS LOG: 015 – ITS A NEW YEAR
Hello HelloIts a new year which means we all get to recreate ourselves for a week or two before slipping…CAPTAINS LOG: 014 – DIVERSE UPDATE
You may have noticed quite a few updates around here lately. A few actually broke the site for a while…Captains Log: 013 – Upgrades
Been super busy around here, been awhile since I reported in to the captains log. Been a lot of updates…Captain’s Log: 011 | 2021 Gonna Be The Year
I have a lot of things planned for next year, and if the coronavirus chills the fuck out, imma have…